Monday, May 25, 2009

Why is Jesus not seen as central to Christianity?

In an earlier Blog: “5 kinds of Christians: Which are you?” I mentioned an article I found in a Net article called: “Leadership Journal. Net”. In it, it discussed the notion that there were 5 Kinds of people in the world today who called themselves Christians, and often in the same church or denomination too! There were quite some differences in some of these groups particularly in regard to belief in Jesus. So much so that the article then asked this question: “What About Jesus?” Which I then discussed in my blog: But What about Jesus? Where we discussed how it was that: ”For a vast number of people who consider themselves Christian, Christ is not the central figure of their faith.”
So the next question that needs to be asked is, “Why is this so? Why is Jesus the Christ, not central to the faith of all who call themselves Christian?
According to the original article in: “Leadership Journal. Net”: “Leith Anderson, senior pastor of Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, believes that the high value placed on tolerance in this country is partly to blame. "'God' as a term is transferable amongst different religious sects, but 'Christ' is not. It seems intolerant. What we need to do is reintroduce people to Jesus, his story, his life and his teachings. Not by forcing people to agree with us, but by giving them adequate examples and reasons to believe in Christ."
Hunter agrees that trying to provide intellectual arguments for the Christian faith will only go so far. "Christianity is about Christ, and it is about that personal relationship. We have to not focus on explaining Pauline theology, but on the person and ministry of Christ. We have to be people who live out the life of Christ. People aren't generally interested in theological teaching. But everyone has a heart for the one who had a heart for us."
From the above and also my own personal experiences, I believe the main reason that Jesus is not central to many who call themselves Christians is that they have never really been properly introduced to Christ. Nor have they seen Him properly mirrored in the lives of those claiming to Be Christians and their leaders.
But again, here it is very easy to caste stones at others, but what about ourselves? Do we truly believe in and follow Jesus as the Christ, Lord and saviour of all mankind?
And do we fully and properly teach this to all including our own families, in everything we say and do? And by teach I also mean, do we model Christ in our lives and not just in our words.
Just another little thing for you to think on here. A little thing with a profound impact if truly followed through, I think. What think you?

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