Saturday, May 23, 2009

But What about Jesus?

In an earlier Blog: “5 kinds of Christians: Which are you?” I mentioned an article I found in a Net article called: “Leadership Journal. Net”. In it, it discussed the notion that there were 5 Kinds of people in the world today who called themselves Christians, and often in the same church or denomination too! There were quite some differences in some of these groups particularly in regard to belief in Jesus. So much so that the article then asked this question: “What About Jesus?”
In addition to these findings about the church, we found a most defining dichotomy over the Jesus question: Active and Professing Christians said "accepting Christ as Savior and Lord" is the key to being a Christian (almost 9 in 10), while Liturgical, Private, and Cultural Christians favored more generally "believing in God" as the main element in being a Christian. So, for a vast number of people who consider themselves Christian, Christ is not the central figure of their faith.”
Now as I said in the earlier above blog, it beats me how someone can call themselves a follower of Jesus Christ when they don’t have Jesus as the centre of the faith. After all Christianity, would not exist without Jesus as the Christ.
So who is Jesus really to you? The centre of your faith as the Long Promised Messiah and deliver of God as promised in the Books of Isaiah and Micah? Is he the Son of God who died in your place on the cross so that you could live for eternity in Heaven with god? Yes, Who is Jesus to you now, who calls yourself a follower of His, every time you call yourself a Christian?

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