Saturday, September 3, 2011

Let’s all be Amaranthine in at least one sense?

Don’t know why, but it seems I am attracted to words that appear to have more than one clear meaning.
Amaranthine, the Word of the Day for Tuesday, August 9, 2011, is also one of them as we see by these three meanings:
1. Unfading; everlasting.
2. Of or like the amaranth flower.
3. Of purplish-red color.
Now of course, all these meanings actually revolve around, and arose from, the one source. And that source was and is the amaranthius plant.
Which according to Wikipedia: “Amaranth is a reddish-rose color that is a representation of the color of the flower of the amaranth plant. The color normally considered amaranth, but there are other varieties of amaranth that have other colors of amaranth flowers.
The color amaranth is similar to printer's magenta (pigment magenta) (but redder). It is the color of the flower of those amaranth plants that have amaranth red colored flowers.
The first recorded use of amaranth as a color name in English was in 1690.”
Thus we see that all 3 meanings of being amaranthine is in fact connected to the one source! But today I am not asking if you are a flower. Or even if you are red? No! What I am asking is, are you amaranthine in the aspect of being everlasting and unfading in your everyday life? Or do you come across in fits and starts, and always changing from day to day?
Of course to be really amaranthine, as in unfading band everlasting for evermore, one can only truly do that though through accepting Jesus Christ as your own personal lord and saviour. If you wish to learn more about that, please just ask.
In the meantime, as much as it is possible for you now though, do try to be everlasting and unfading in your everyday life, rather than volatile and ever changing. Again, over to you for now.

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