Saturday, April 17, 2010

Learn from Life experiences and get right with God right now!

Well, today’s topic is called, “Learn from Life experiences and get right with God right now!
But do we ever really learn from the life experiences of others? Or do we always have to experience them ourselves, even if only in some small way, before we finally get right with God Now?
Fortunately for us these lessons for right living & learned the hard way by others, have been recorded for us in the Bible for us to learn from. To learn from and thus to avoid all the pitfalls of others who have gone before us and to emulate or copy the good experiences for ourselves. Thus learn what to do and what not to do, from the experiences of others who have experienced life in its fullness and rawness. Learn so that we don’t make similar mistakes to them and repeat their bad experiences instead of enjoying their Good ones.
But do we really learn from these examples put before us in the Word of God? And if not, why not?
I fear that it could be largely because most who call themselves Christians, don’t really know the word of God clearly.
Sure, many can recite passages and even whole chapters off in their head, but how many actually understand what they are reading or reciting? And how many understand these words within the whole context of the Bible and not just taking “bits ’n’ pieces” here and there and fitting the word of God to their lives, instead of fitting their lives to the word of God?
Studying Luke’s gospel has been a revelation to me in seeing how every passage is connected in some way to those that precede and follow it. And the same is also true how each chapter is connected in themes to those, which precede and follow it.
So please, please, please, read your bibles both regularly and read whole chapters and whole books and not just verses here and there, no matter how special they are to you. Again, let us all read the whole word of God in its context and not just read bits ‘n’ pieces of it.
Your fellow servant in this Word: